
We thought we'd share with you some of the feedback we've received about the work WSV has been doing in Vietnam.

"What wonderful work you have done: good on you in responding to this huge need in Vietnam... The effects of what you have instilled are extremely valuable and will grow and grow . . ." Trish Franklin: former CEO   www.loretovietnam.org 

"Thanks for this description of what you've been doing. It's inspiring to read of your attempts to tackle this overwhelming need.  Did I ever tell you about the two kids who drowned in a flooded river on their way to school after falling off a rickety wooden 'village' bridge where I was working?  The despair and deep sadness were pervasive. None of the teachers I was working with could concentrate that day. Your work is important. And, of course, Vietnam is only one of many countries." Martyn Brogan, Former Coordinator, Post-Graduate TESOL Programs, Victoria University

From our Volunteers

“This has been the most fantastic, indescribable, interesting, tiring three weeks but I have truly loved it.  The programs have been great and the people lovely.”  Shea Bilton Gough, AUSTSWIM teacher

"The experience in itself was one of a kind, however the knowledge and teaching experiences I gained whilst volunteering cannot be compared to anything I have ever achieved. I was able to increase my professional teaching development beyond belief. Re-adjusting how I taught to fit with the cultural and language differences has given me a deeper understanding of my teaching methods; not only teaching swimming but teaching in general. Watching the children at Ho Tram dramatically improve over the five day program, was very fulfilling and made me really appreciate this experience." Claire McCormack, PE Student Teacher, RMIT

"I am really glad that I had a positive experience working with you guys in HCMC, otherwise I think I might have felt quite jaded about volunteering!"   Sarah Funnel, Volunteer ESL Teacher and AUSTSWIM Teacher

From Coaches and Students in Train the Trainer courses

"My students liked your teaching, they said that 'you (Jan) are the greatest women'. I hope we'll have more chances to work together, exchange experiences about swimming.  Hien Thanh Nguyen, Head Coach, Hong Bang University International

"In my opinion, the good aspect of this course is the way you organized the activities, especially the environment of the practical lessons. There are no swimming courses in Vietnam that can do that. And I think the knowledge about live saving is very useful. And the way to teach the weaker children. That's the special aspect that I'm very excited about in this course."  Sophie Le, Interpreter and Swim Coach, HCMC

“Thanks for the training.  I now know how to protect myself when in the water.”

“Trainers are funny compassionate, approachable.  I didn’t know I could save someone from drowning.”

From Local Grandparents

“I told my grandchild 'Try your best to learn swimming and after you know how to swim you can teach your brother to swim.  I am very happy to see my grandchildren confident and happy to learn.' Nguyen Minh Thanh, grandparent

From Resort Owners

“I'm very glad to see your team at Zenna pool. I'm happy if your team is happy when they stay with us.  After this course, the parents felt happy and satisfied with the results." Ms Han Le, Owner, Zenna Resort

From Teacher/Principal of a School in Vietnam

“Can you imagine the joy of our children when they are joining the swimming lessons?  Thanks again for what you have done for Vietnam in teaching the children swimming, and to help themselves and help another”  Lan Trinh, Principal St Joseph’s School, Bien Hoa